38/365 Outline

8 02 2010

Time to step out of the shadows

Today was the Super Bowl with the Colts vs. the Saints. My son and I went to watch it with my dad. Before that I had an interesting conversation about fame and fortune. It’s a very dangerous road. There’s a famous quote that says it’s harder for a rich man to get to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Another one says that you should store up spiritual treasures instead of materialistic ones. Yeah they’re from the Bible in case you didn’t know. Still, I’m addicted to a life of action. First I was a martial arts teacher, now a photographer. I can’t stand working in cubicle world. As a teenager, my thirst for fame got me arrested once and I landed on the front page of the Orange County Register. Long story.

Anyway, I’m really excited about my first photo shoot tomorrow which was a result of my facebook group “Andy needs photogenic models for his portfolio”. For today’s photo, I was playing with my LED flashlight again. Maybe today it didn’t show, but I was inspired after visiting the Santoro building in Santa Ana’s Artist Village. I’m coming up y’all. And soon, I believe things will start paying off for me. That being said, God is still first to me. I won’t need to sacrifice my values. I want my son to learn that from me by my example.



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