25-365 Duplicity Workout

25 01 2010

My workout routine for today

My neighbor has committed to doing a workout routine with me. It can be more fun exercising with a friend. Not to mention you can also help motivate each other. For me, my diet has always been the problem. After this, I made myself a nice big cheeseburger. I need to learn how to make healthier meals.

This is my 25th photo in my 365 project. I’ve heard it said that if you do something everyday for 30 days, it becomes a habit. It hasn’t been easy. But I can see it becoming easier. I can set up a shot much faster. When I decide it’s time to shoot, I come up with ideas faster. The Nikon D300 is a wild beast but I think I’ve used almost every feature now. Sounds funny but this camera is very complicated.

Nunchuck armory

20 12 2009

A bunch of nunchucks

Well I decided to start a 365 project in 2010 but I’m so excited about it that I couldn’t wait until Jan 1st so I started now. A 365 project for photographers is when you commit to taking a picture everyday. Not sure if I’ll commit to doing a blog post everyday but a pic, yes.

My goal with this 365 project is to improve my fundamentals. Things like repeating patterns, converging lines, rule of thirds, lighting styles, and getting to know my camera and equipment inside-out.

My official start date is Jan 1st but here’s the pre-season shot. =)